Oral-Maxillofacial and Implant Surgery
Impacted Canines
An impacted tooth simply means that it is “stuck” and cannot erupt into function. Patients frequently develop problems with impacted third molar (wisdom) teeth. These teeth get “stuck” in the back of
the jaw and can develop painful infections, among a host of other
problems (see Wisdom Teeth under Procedures).
Since there is rarely a functional need for wisdom teeth,
they are usually extracted if they develop problems.
The maxillary cuspid (upper eyetooth) is the second most
common tooth to become impacted.
The cuspid tooth is a critical tooth in the dental arch and
plays an important role in your “bite”. The cuspid teeth are
very strong biting teeth and have the longest roots of any
human teeth. They are designed to be the first teeth that
touch whenyour jaws close together so they guide the rest ofthe
teeth into the proper bite.