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Wisdom Tooth Removal


Third molars are commonly referred to as wisdom teeth. They are usually the last teeth to develop and are located in the back of your mouth, behind your second molars. Their 
development is usually completed between the middle teenage years and early twenties, a time traditionally associated with the onset of maturity and the attainment of wisdom. (or so our forefathers thought)


What Is An Impacted Tooth?


Although most people develop and grow 32 permanent adultteeth, many times their jaws are too small to accommodate the four wisdom teeth. When inadequate space prevents the teeth from erupting they are called impacted. This indicates their inability to erupt into the proper position for chewing and cleaning.

Why should I have my wisdom teeth removed?


If you do not have enough room in your mouth for your third molars to fully erupt, a number of problems can happen.


There are at least 8 reasons why we remove wisdom teeth.


During the consultation, Dr. John will discuss the reasons why a wisdom tooth needs to be removed in each person's specific case


Impacted wisdom teeth should be removed before their root structure is fully developed. In some patients it is as early as 12 or 13, and in others it may not be until the early twenties. Problems tend to occur with increasing frequency after the age of 30. Some of the possible problems related to not removing your wisdom teeth at a younger age include:

  • Higher risk of nerve damage

  • Prolonged healing

  • Incomplete bone regeneration



Anesthesia for Wisdom Teeth Removal

Since most patients prefer to have all four wisdom teeth removed at the same time, most patients prefer to have the procedure done under IV sedation.


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